Do Not Sell My Information Page


The California Consumer Privacy Act requires companies to include certain disclosures including "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" links on their websites. We do not sell information that identifies who you are to anyone. The CCPA defines “sale” and “personal information” beyond how you might commonly interpret those terms.

Under the CCPA, “personal information” includes information that is not necessarily directly tied to an individual’s identity but may be associated with a device. This includes identifiers such as IP addresses, web cookies, web beacons, and mobile Ad IDs. In many cases, these types of information do not directly identify you, but they are unique identifiers that could be linked to you and therefore covered by the CCPA. The term “sell” is broadly defined to include not just selling in exchange for money, but also sharing personal information (including information that does not directly identify an individual as described above) in exchange for anything of value, which is not limited to the exchange of money.

Certain things are not considered “sales,” including when (1) personal information is shared with a service provider that is contractually prohibited from using the personal information for any purpose beyond the service specifically requested (the CCPA’s “service provider exception”), or (2) when the consumer has directed a company to disclose the personal information (the CCPA’s “consumer directed exception”).

Where TMW LABS can reasonably ensure via contract that third parties can and will use a device identifier solely to provide the specific service TMW LABS has requested and will not use or share the data for other purposes, TMW LABS will not deem that sharing a “sale” under the CCPA’s service provider exception. When a user of TMW LABS’s websites makes the “Do Not Sell” choice, TMW LABS will block further sharing of the covered identifiers with the third parties We engage on those digital properties with.